
A graduate life coach who cares

It’s not easy being a grad student. You’re juggling a lot of different tasks at once and there’s always something else to do. It can feel like you’re always in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that you’re juggling with nothing but air.

My Mission

To help graduate students, who are usually juggling work, family, social demands and school without any clear direction or support. I will teach you how to manage your time effectively so that you have more time for yourself and the people who love you.

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My Background and Experience

I’ve spent the last 12 years helping undergraduate and graduate students do well in the courses they chose. My coachees, who are mostly international students from all over the world, have gone on to have some of the best experiences and grades in their programmes.

Over the last 20 years, I’ve been fortunate enough to have had a rich and multidisciplinary academic experience:

  • A double honours in Environmental Studies and Architecture (University of Lagos, Nigeria)
  • Postgraduate degree in Business Law and Social Sciences (University of Glasgow International College (G.I.C.), UK
  • Masters in Development Studies (University of Glasgow), UK
  • MBA in Strategy (Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow), UK

Academic Awards

  • First Adomale Vincent Scholarship Award (Architecture)
  • Magna Cum Laude (Distinction Award) (GIC)
  • International Student Scholarship Award (MSc)
  • Merit Award + Best Dissertation Award (MBA)

Relevant work experience includes:

  • Student Services Officer (GIC)
  • Learning Support Tutor (GIC)
  • CLASS MIS Administrator (Sheffield International College)
  • Academic Skills and Research Design Methods (GIC)
  • Student Wellbeing Officer (Glasgow Caledonian University.)
  • Policy and Partnerships Director (Bridge)—Technology-based Education Reform for Basic Education.

My Skills

Academic Presentation
Acculturation and Culture and Diversity Management
Creative Thinking
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
Essay Writing and Analysis
Grant Writing
Group Work Management
Peripheral thinking and Ideas synchronicity
Project Research Design
Technology for Learning and Educational Life Management 

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